
We are acception donations via BuyCraft!

In order to receive donor status, you must donate a minimum of $10 USD. Donor status will last for at least six months. Custom donor command will not expire.

You can also donate for an extra /sethome for $10. Note that you will not be considered a donor (no in-game tag).

Any amount is greatly appreciated! By donating, you are supporting Arcane.

To donate, go to the Arcane BuyCraft page.

Donating Options

Out of the heart donation

As a thank-you for donating (at least $10) to Arcane, you'll receive the following:

  • A blue [Donor] tag in-game
  • Donor role on Discord and forums (Notify staff members if you don't have it yet)
  • Your own in-game command (e.g. /simonorj)
  • Access to more toggles in /option (Hide welcome message!)
  • The satisfaction of supporting Arcane!

You can request your own donor command by making an issue on GitHub, replying to this forums thread, or by messaging an admin on the Discord. If you have GitHub, we recommend the GitHub issue approach.

You can decide how much you want to pay on the next page.

Extra home

An extra /sethome on Arcane Survival.

You may donate for only one extra sethome.

Clicking on "Donate" on the form above will lead you to our donation site at Visit this page if you prefer to donate at the site.