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Discussion page[edit]

Here is where Shadowvale is discussed openly, builds are listed, help is asked for, and a community is made.

Shadowvale Build List[edit]

A list of all the projects that anyone can help with, be it through hard work, or simply donating resources.

Canal Smoothing

Smoothing the canal to be a little bit more natural and accessible.

May need some cobble, but is mostly digging at the sides to look more natural.

Farm Building

If there is a farm building, it needs to be bigger and easier to find, probably.

Shadow Village

Can always use a few more hands.

Shadow Keep In need of spruce stone andesite, and if anyone wants to try to help build it... well, help is always welcome!

Mini Projects[edit]

Tree Trimming

Going about chopping down any trees not touching the ground, or placing some blocks so they are touching the ground.

Hidden lighting and Bushes

Pumpkins with green glass on top of them so that they don't stick out but provide light as well.

Bushes to spruce of the area as a whole.