Screenshot of the Week

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Screenshot of the Week is a contest that will be hosted here on the Arcane Survival Forums. It's a weekly contest where participants can show off their screenshots they've taken on the server.


In the submissions thread, participants will post one (1) screenshot as their entry for the week. Participants are allowed to title their submissions however they are not allowed to add any additional text. Submissions will be open from the day its posted until Friday.

  • One screenshot only
  • No albums
  • No discussion please

Voting and Discussion[edit]

In the voting thread, all submissions will be presented with their title and a number. The number will act as the screenshots ID for voters to pick the submission. Participants are not allowed to ask for votes. Forums users will be allowed to vote from the day the thread is posted until Sunday evening.

  • All registered users on the forums are allowed to vote
  • Please don't ask for votes

General Contest Rules[edit]

  1. Submissions have to be taken on Arcane Survival
  2. Submissions have to be taken by the person entering the contest
  3. Submissions cannot break any of the Server Rules
  4. Submissions cannot contain any sexual/lewd content
  5. All forum members are allowed to participate and vote

Additional Information[edit]

How to Paste A Screenshot on Arcane Survival Forums[edit]

  1. Upload your screenshot to Imugr
  2. Go to the current Screenshot of The Week submission thread and click 'Post Reply'
  3. Right click your image on Imugr and select 'Copy Image Location'
  4. Click the 'Insert Image' box (looks like a rectangle with Img in it)
  5. Paste the Image Location you copied on your Imugr upload
  6. Submit

See Also[edit]

External Links[edit]